Environmental issues

  • Project managers: Andrea G. Dofradóttir, Björn Rafn Gunnarsson, Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir, Viktor Orri Valgarðsson
  • Customer: Regional Planning Director of the Capital Area
  • Submitting Report: November 20, 2013

The Municipality of Municipalities in the Capital Region (SSH) held a meeting of residents, which took place in the Kopavogur High School in November 2013. The topic of the meeting was a new regional plan for the capital area, which will define a policy for settlement development. in the area from 2015 until the year 2040. A 600-person stratified sample of six municipalities in the capital area was accepted and requested their participation at the meeting. 393 responded to a telephone survey, 109 agreed to attend a meeting, and 47 attended. 

  • Project manager: Andrea G. Dofradóttir
  • Client: Þorvarður Árnason project manager
  • Published: June 2002