Staff and Management
The board of the SSRI is appointed for three years. In it there are the deans of the three faculties that the institution belongs to. In addition, the board consists of three additional members that are elected by the faculties, two from the Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics and one from the Faculty of Political Science.
If no teacher from the department's course of study is a representative on the institution's board, the course of study has the right to have an observer at board meetings with freedom of speech and the right to make proposals. The director of the Social Science Research Institute shall attend meetings of the board with the right of proposal, without the right to vote, as well as one employee representative.
- Eva Marín Hlynsdóttir, dean of Faculty of Political Science
- Ólafur Rastrick, dean of Faculty of Sociology, Anthropology and Folkloristics
- Halldór S. Guðmundsson, dean of Faculty of Social Work
- Agnar Freyr Helgason, associate professor in political science
- Ágústa Pálsdóttir, professor in information science, observer
- Kristjana Stella Blöndal, associate professor in school and job councelling
- Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, professor in sociology
The project managers at SSRI have university degrees in social sciences, e.g. psychology, sociology, economics, gender studies, and political sciences and have vast experience in conducting research.
SSRI's staff
Árni Bragi Hjaltason | Project manager | 5255183 | arnibragi [at] | |
Guðberg Konráð Jónsson | Director | 5254585 | gjonsson [at] | |
Guðbjört Guðjónsdóttir | Project manager | 5255437 | gudbjort [at] | |
Guðlaug Júlía Sturludóttir | Project manager | 5254544 | gjs [at] | |
Guðný Gústafsdóttir | Project manager | 5254164 | gudnyg [at] | |
Helgi Guðmundsson | Project manager | 5254167 | heg [at] | |
Inga Rún Sæmundsdóttir | Project manager, on leave | 5255433 | ingarun [at] | |
Kjartan Ólafsson | Specialist | 5254545 | kolafsson [at] | |
María Lovísa Guðjónsdóttir | Head interviewer | 5255440 | marialg [at] | |
Ólöf Júlíusdóttir | Project manager | 5255440 | olofj [at] | |
Sindri Baldur Sævarsson | Project manager | 5254161 | sindribaldur [at] | |
Stefán Þór Gunnarsson | Project manager | 5254161 | stefanthor [at] | |
Ævar Þórólfsson | Project manager | 5254160 | at [at] |